ค้นหาจากคำสำคัญ : " Electrodes"

# Name Keywords Year
10Core-shell, Electrochemical paper-based analytical device (ePAD), Molecularly imprinted polymer (MIP), Mycotoxin, Screen-printed graphene electrodes2023
2Ready-to-use paraquat sensor using a graphene-screen printed electrode modified with a molecularly imprinted polymer coating on a platinum coreElectrochemical Techniques, Electrodes, Graphite, Metal Nanoparticles, Molecular Imprinting, Molecularly Imprinted Polymers, Paraquat, Platinum, Silicon Dioxide2021
3Facile and Compact Electrochemical Paper-Based Analytical Device for Point-of-Care Diagnostic of Dual Carcinogen Oxidative Stress Biomarkers through a Molecularly Imprinted Polymer Coated on Graphene Quantum-Dot Capped GoldElectrochemical electrodes; Gold nanoparticles; Graphene; Graphite electrodes; Nanocrystals; Semiconductor quantum dots; Specific surface area; Voltammetry; 3-Nitrotyrosine; Electrochemicals; Molecularly Imprinted Polymer; Molecularly imprinted polymer-sensor; N-Oxides; Nitroquinolines; Oxidative stress biomarkers; Paper-based analytical devices; Point of care diagnostic; Simultaneous determinations; Biomarkers2022